You may find that hanging your Christmas lights the first season after installing your new Gutter Helmet® gutter covers is a bit more challenging that before. Because your gutter covers have a nose-forward design that helps the water run into the gutters and the debris run over them, your old light clips may not work. But don’t worry, there are a few solutions.
- Use your clips differently. Most clips are meant to either attach to your gutters or, for homes without gutters, to your shingles. If the clips you have will work on your shingles, simply slide them under the bottom shingle on your roof line. You may need to reverse the direction of the lights in the clips and aim them up.
- Buy new clips. If the clips you have currently don’t have that option, your local big-box store should carry a shingle-style light clip. If you would rather not attach clips to your shingles, look for a clip with a thickness of less than 3/8-inch to fit in the Gutter Helmet system opening. Another option is to find a clip that clears the overhang of the gutter cover.
- Try adhesive clips. There are many waterproof adhesive clips available that are easy to install and remove. They leave no residue on your gutters and are a perfect solution for hanging lights.
If you’re having trouble finding a solution that works for your home, call your Gutter Helmet installer and ask for recommendations. Your local representative can point you to a solution that has worked for other customers and will likely know just where to find it.
Safety First
No matter which solution you choose with regard to hanging holiday decorations, be sure to practice these safety tips.
- Never use indoor-rated lights outdoors. The electrical wiring of indoor lights is not meant to withstand water, extreme temperatures or direct UV light. These conditions cause it to break down and may lead to an electrical issue or even a fire.
- Heed all manufacturer recommendations. If you’re hanging multiple strings of lights, check the box or label to determine how many can be strung together before being plugged directly into an outlet. Never plug an extension cord into another extension cord. Don’t be the Clark Griswold of your block!
- Don’t string extension cords along sidewalks or other high-traffic areas. You don’t want someone to trip and suffer an injury. Don’t use tape or mats over the extension cords to remove the tripping hazard, because you’re actually adding a fire or electrocution hazard when you do this! The friction of walking on a cord can break down its protective layer.
- When on your ladder, never climb to the top step. Heed this warning. Best ladder climbing practices also include a using a spotter to keep the ladder steady as you climb up and down.
Enjoy the Convenience of Gutter Helmet® Year-Round
If you realize, as you are hanging your lights, that your gutters are clogged and you don’t want to clean them again next year, call (800) 824-3772 and we’ll connect you with your local Gutter Helmet dealer. All of us at Gutter Helmet wish you the happiest of holidays!